Plain western saddle
- One ear bridle
- split reins
- leather girth
- back cinch
- breastplate
- $60
Show western saddle
- one ear bridle
- chain curb strap
- split reins
- woven girth
- corner platers
- conchos
- cantle plate
- horn cap
- breast collar center plate
- ear plate
- gullet plate
- silver stirrups with tread
- latigo keeper
- buckle keepers
- slot covers
- $100
Show western saddle delux:
- woven girth
- corner plates
- conchos
- cantle plate
- horn cap
- breast collar center plate
- gullet plate
- silver stirrups with tread
- latigo keeper
- buckle keepers
- slot covers
- romel beaded reins
- beaded bridle
- chain curb strap
- saddle riging with Ds
- real horse hair tassles
- bit connector
- etched bit
- tooling
- $175
Full browband with throatlatch: $5
Full browband with throatlatch show: $10
Beaded bridle: $10
Woven girth: $10
tooling (diamond) : $20
Romel reins: $8
Romel Beaded reins: $15
Roper Reins (Leather): $2
Roper Reins (Braided):$5 (Choose colors)
Etched bit: $14
Saddle rigging with Ds: $15
Silver Stirrups: $12
Horse hair tassles: $5
Silvered conchos (included with all western show saddles): $5
Bit connector: $2
Colors available: Black, Dark Brown, Natural, NEW! Light brown
$6 for any other color
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