Thursday, October 31, 2013


Started time payments ! Guess who made it ! 

Bella's biopsy results

This is the email I receive from my mom. 

The vet called me today with the results of Bella’s biopsy.  I couldn’t understand the official name of the type of cells that they found, but basically it is a low grade (not aggressive) tumor.  They believe it is a nerve sheath tumor (or possibly connective tissue tumor).  It is not melanoma, but it is not benign either.  It is not common.


She recommends that we use an injectable chemotherapy treatment.  She would need 2-4 treatments, about every 3 weeks.  Another option is to surgically remove it and do chemo, but the surgery would be quite invasive (she said “think small softball size incision/hole” to be sure to get all of it) and it would take a long time to heal.  She prefers to do chemo first, and then later, if needed, do surgery after the tumor is smaller so it would be less invasive.  Also, if we do the surgery, we would have to trailer her to their office – they wouldn’t do that at the barn.


She is planning to give her the first injection of chemo when she comes next Tuesday to remove her stitches.  




Sunday, October 13, 2013

Model show

I found time and did a model horse show yesterday! I got 10 nan cards! Overal reserve in performance, and overal reserve in Peter stone halter.  And that isn't the best part! I bought my first custom! Try to guess what it was! He is a Morgan! I also entered the raffle with $30 in tickets! Lol! It was for an unpainted showtime resin! And everyone at the show wanted her! She is a limited run of 50 and her full price is $250. And only 5 were sold. The rest were given to shows as a donation peice! And I WON! She gets shipped out to Sherry Clayton tomorrow to be painted as a dunskin! I

And the showtime resin!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Squamous-cell carcinoma

Unfortunately yesterday the vet was out for normal fall shots and teeth. Of course my horse was sore and she checked her feet and while she asked " has her eyelid always been this swollen?" And I say "what swelling?" And she showed me this:   
Then she said it felt hard, and I felt it and sure enough it was very hard and fairly large. I was told it was one of two things. Inflammation from the flies or skin cancer.  We opted to have a biopsy to find out what it is. 
So we now wait.  The vet comes back in two weeks to remove the stitches.