Monday, May 27, 2013

Out of order

Some of the posts are out of order because I just realized they never published.   The Ausie saddle post is the newest


Suuupppper slow progress. Not due to time, it's just pain stakingly slow to cross stitch a pad! Can't wait for a patterned one. My pads are $30 due to the sheer amount of labor hours it requires! Ive got to be at least 40 hours in and not even half way! I'm lucky if I get three rows done. Im thinking I'll make a trim on the edge. Not sure yet

More photos of the Amish ride

The last photos are of me with padre at the Midwest horse fair

New saddle!

So between work, making the foal training set, and doctor appts. I decided a new real saddle sounded like a great idea! But wait! I have three saddles already! I have a jumping saddle, dressage saddle, and western. What other saddle must a warmblood need?! An AUSIE! That's right! I bought an Australian stock saddle! Pictures in order: full horse shot with new saddle, saddle, finished foal set, pad progress

Thursday, May 23, 2013

new camera!

these are photos from my new camera. the background photo is also a photo i took of the outdoor arena at my boarding facility! these are a mix a breyer resins, pebbles, and traditionals.

andalusian resin breyer

traditional totilas breyer

totilas resin breyer

begin the beguine OOAK peterstone

busch run of 3 traditional peterstone

sparkling cider OOAK traditional peter stone

cyber baby traditional peter stone

clydesdale breyer resin

dawes 2012 regular run but this is a sample peice here.  pebbles
dont fence me in peter stone

stone fair model handsome dan

starlight creations hanoverian

hawthorn run of 30

moonlight in the wabash stone fair foal

makin butter OOAK peter stone horse

fantasia peterstone

DAH draft 2013

saddlebred resin breyer

smoke signal peter stone

crazy for you run of 6

run of 5

winter blast run of 30

new item in the works!

so to win fair I want to stand out! So I was thinking what weird training equiptment I could make that no one else would think of! So I definitly ruled out lounging, and side reins, draw reins, and my usual pessoa system that always wins for something different! So I thought, everyone will have a horse, why not a foal!? there is one training equiptment for foals. I call it the come along. It is kinda like breeching in a harness, but placed lower, then a surcingle, and a halter. This is usually the first introduction to the presure relase training system. So I'm gonna make one!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

New camera! And judging!

So I got a new camera that I pick up today at work! Then I am also a substitute judge for the IMEHA photo shows! Exciting!